
Roman Słowiński(Institute of Computing Science, Poznań University of Technology)——How to Get Published and Cited in Academic Journals? My experience in editing the European Journal of Operational Research


报告题目:How to Get Published and Cited in Academic Journals? My experience in editing the European Journal of Operational Research

报告人:Roman Słowiński



报告摘要:Inthis talk, I will present some facts about the European Journal of OperationalResearch (EJOR), for which I am serving as co-ordinating editor since 1999. Iwill also explain the editors’ approach to evaluation and selection ofarticles, and will point out the most frequent Operational Research keywords characterizingarticles submitted to EJOR.Moreover,I will share some hints on how to get published and cited in academic journals,like EJOR.

报告人简介:Roman Słowiński,波兰科学院院士,欧洲科学院院士,IEEE(电气和电子工程师协会)院士,国际粗糙集学会院士,波兰信息科学院主席,波兹南工业大学教授,波兹南工业大学智能决策支持系统实验室的联合主席之一。Roman教授结合运筹学与智能计算对决策支持方法深入研究,提供医学、经济学和环境学领域的决策支持技术。他以作者或共同作者的身份出版14本著作,400多篇论文,他的文章Hirsch引用指数高达78,被引次数超过10次的文章指数高达258,总引用超过24661次。
