
【材华讲坛】预告:STEM 技术的发展及其在功能材料中的应用


报告题目:STEM 技术的发展及其在功能材料中的应用

报 告 人:王毅(德国马普固体研究所)


报告地点:江苏省高效电化学储能技术重点实验室  8号楼 8311



The marked progress of the instrumentation hardware has made scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) imaging and spectroscopy at atomic resolution readily possible nowadays. But still, the acquisition and interpretation of these data can be problematic due to heavy image distortion and poor signal-to-noise ratio.

In this presentation, I will present the development of STEM imaging acquisition, post-data processing, and image quantification procedures, which improve image measurement precision to picometer-scale. Shifting to analytical regime, by combining multi-frame spectrum imaging and automatic energy-offset correction, I developed a spectrum imaging technique, which suppresses image distortion and improves the signal-to-noise ratio. I will also talk about our recent work on electric field mapping by 4D-STEM using fast direct electron detector. Finally, I will show some examples on using these quantitative and analytical STEM techniques to probe the structural, chemical and electronic properties at atomic scale in the fields of functional oxides and energy-related materials.


王毅,现任德国马普固体研究所研究员 (永久职位),电镜中心课题组长。2006年获湖北大学获物理学学士、2009年获材料学硕士学位、2012年获法国国家科学研究中心-下诺曼底卡昂大学获物理学博士学位。2013年开始在德国马普固体研究所开展科研工作,研究方向为球差校正(扫描)透射电子显微镜、原子分辨电子能量损失谱、4D-STEM等相关技术开发,及其在功能材料中的应用。在Nature Materials、Nature Physics、Nature communications、Ultramicroscopy 、Advanced Materials 等学术期刊发表论文50余篇。